The Church of St Eutizio

The sanctuary that guards the remains of St Eutizio

The Church of St Eutizio, situated in the hamlet of the same name next to Soriano nel Cimino, has very ancient origins. In the area there was initially an early Christian sanctuary, which completely collapsed during the 1400s.
However, in 1496 the church was rebuilt and around 1740, through the work of the Albani princes, the building gained its present appearance, leaving aside the minor modernisation work carried out in 1959.
From the outside the church appears very simple and straightforward, without particular architectural elements. The main entrance is characterised by a wooden door dominated by a mullioned window, marked by two openings, and divided by a small column on which rest two arches.
The church’s interior has an octagonal shape and is characterised by the presence of an elevated altar above the crypt, which still contains the bones of St Eutizio inside a marble sepulchre.
The high altar is made of marble and supported by colourful marble columns. Below the altar you can see a sculpture representing the sacrificial figure of the Lamb of God. Behind it are a crucifix and a marble frame with the image of St Eutizio inside, showing his martyrdom.

The transformation by the Albani princes

The symbol of the Chigi family appears around the church several times, in recognition of the substantial interventions the princes made in the 1700s. Some of the sacred works are recent, while in the choir chapel there is an eighteenth-century oval image depicting the Madonna and Child. Many of the paintings depict St Paul of the Cross, who consecrated the sanctuary and led the Passionist Fathers from 1744.
Next to the church there is a tall bell tower with lancet windows on two levels and mullioned windows on the last level. However, the recent plastering allows us to recognise the ancient Roman origins.

Spesa finanziata dalla Regione Lazio Determinazione n. G04816 del 09/05/2016 e s.m.i.
Avviso pubblico “Reti di Imprese tra Attività Economiche su Strada”

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