The tower of Santa Maria di Luco

The tower of Santa Maria di Luco stands out in a wooded but flat area

The tower of Santa Maria di Luco stands out in a wooded but flat area, and is situated to the right of the road that joins Bassano in Teverina with the hamlet of Sant’Eutizio.

Preserved for almost its entire height of 30 metres, the tower has a square base with sides just over 4 metres. The foundations and base are made of large peperino blocks, worked in ashlar, probably belonging to a pre-existing Roman building.
The rest of the tower is of medieval origin.

A Papal bull by Innocent IV from 1244 shows that a Benedictine abbey was built in its vicinity, dedicated to Santa Maria di Luco, but of which no trace remains.

Spesa finanziata dalla Regione Lazio Determinazione n. G04816 del 09/05/2016 e s.m.i.
Avviso pubblico “Reti di Imprese tra Attività Economiche su Strada”

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