Fountain of Madruzzo

Fountain of Madruzzo

Built in the second half of the 16th century on the wishes of Cardinal Cristoforo Madruzzo (as reported in the inscription and on the coat of arms visible above), it was originally located in the Largo della Guglia (better known as the “iron gate”), which today still leads to the gardens of Palazzo Chigi-Albani.
The fountain is characterised by its ends adorned with ashlar; below, a stone basin collects water from three mascarons positioned in the centre of the architectural complex. The two side pilasters support a pediment on which is placed a plaque bearing the inscription “CHRISTOPHORO MADRVTIO EPO CARDINALI TRIDEN: ET BRIXIN : PRINCIPE MANDANTE”.
Above, it is dominated by the Madruzzo coat of arms.

Spesa finanziata dalla Regione Lazio Determinazione n. G04816 del 09/05/2016 e s.m.i.
Avviso pubblico “Reti di Imprese tra Attività Economiche su Strada”

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