Porta Romana (Roman Gate)

A perfect copy of Porta Pia

Wanted by Carlo Albani as a perfect copy of Porta Pia

If you arrive in Soriano nel Cimino by passing through the Cimini mountains, you cannot miss the first gateway to the town. It stands out thanks to its salmon colour, which goes perfectly with the grey shades of peperino used to make the ornaments displayed on the outside: the Chigi crest, a stone tablet, a festoon and a mask.
It was built around 1700 by Carlo Albani to delineate the urban centre from one of the main connecting roads. It is the only remaining survivor of the three built in the 18th century.
Few people know that Soriano nel Cimino’s Porta Romana (Roman Gate) takes its name from the city that inspired its construction; in fact it is simply a perfect copy of Porta Pia, one of the gates in the Aurelian walls of Rome, located in the Nomentano district.

Spesa finanziata dalla Regione Lazio Determinazione n. G04816 del 09/05/2016 e s.m.i.
Avviso pubblico “Reti di Imprese tra Attività Economiche su Strada”

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